When to be concerned?

Pain is an expected reaction to damage to the body. In most situation, it serves the purpose of slowing us down or changing our behaviors to avoid further damage. Pain should get better over time. However, situations that may require you see a medical provider about your pain include:
- Pain that’s of greater intensity than that expected from the injury
- If its getting worse over time
- If its occurring without an explained cause
- If the site of injury looks like it may be developing an infection or is not healing as expected
- If the pain is not controlled on your current regimen
- If the pain is present longer than expected or becoming chronic
Be sure to discuss any concerns with a medical professional. Studies show that one of the best ways to prevent acute pain from becoming chronic pain is to deal with acute pain effectively.
- Pain that’s of greater intensity than that expected from the injury
- If its getting worse over time
- If its occurring without an explained cause
- If the site of injury looks like it may be developing an infection or is not healing as expected
- If the pain is not controlled on your current regimen
- If the pain is present longer than expected or becoming chronic
Be sure to discuss any concerns with a medical professional. Studies show that one of the best ways to prevent acute pain from becoming chronic pain is to deal with acute pain effectively.

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