As a member of the NFL Alumni Health, you will have access to a curated suite of products that former athletes enjoy. Our goal is providing the latest and greatest health and wellness options on the market. Professional athletes have long been known to maintain strict dietary standards and the best-in-class healthcare solutions. Join the team and you too can enjoy access for living a long healthy life.

NFL Alumni offers a range of ways to get engaged and become a member.

  • Former NFL players, coaches, referees, scouts, trainers, front office employees, and cheerleaders can join the NFL Alumni Association.
  • Associate membership is also available to others that believe in the NFL Alumni mission of “Caring For Our Own and Caring For Kids” and want to enjoy multi-faceted opportunities and benefits as the ultimate fan.
  • Enterprise membership gives local businesses and organizations the opportunity to get involved with and participate in NFL Alumni Chapter events and activities in their communities, while raising money for children’s charities.

Click here to learn more about NFL Alumni’s various forms of membership.

Become an NFL Alumni Member

Become an NFLA Enterprise Member

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