DDPY Fitness is proud to partner with the NFL Alumni Association. Through our partnership, we’re giving all members of the NFL Alumni Association free access to the complete DDPY Program on the DDPY app.

At DDPY Fitness, we’ve spent years helping professional athletes Own Their Lives with a focus on whole health. DDPY Fitness is about YOUR needs, YOUR ability level, and YOUR success. No judgment, no gimmicks, just a whole health fitness program that meets you where you are, keeping you engaged in mind and body.

DDPY is a revolutionary fitness program that anyone can do anywhere, anytime. Join us as an NFL Alumni member and get free access to a huge variety of workouts for all levels, nutritional and diet recommendations, cooking shows, and motivational support from an amazing community.

About DDPY Fitness:

A legendary program born from a legend.
The Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) story is the heart of DDPY, a fitness program born out of necessity and reality. After years of wrestling injuries, including a broken back, DDP developed a real-life workout that ultimately gave him his life back. If it could work for him, why not share it with others who want to Own Their Lives too?

The genius behind DDPY started with a genuine focus on helping people live better. From DDP’s epic comeback in the ring to the lives we’ve helped transform to our decades of hard work, there’s no fitness program in the world that helps people Own Their Lives more than DDPY.

Our workouts are uniquely designed to strengthen muscles, ligaments, and tendons while stabilizing core muscles, increasing flexibility, agility, and balance. You’ll get a great cardio workout with minimal joint impact, and you’ll do it at your pace. Add in healthy eating guidance and continuous inspirational content, and you have the most effective whole health program on the planet