Sanford Sports is offering an exclusive deal to NFL Alumni members.
Get the Sanford Sports take-home 6-week program for $125.
This exercise program is designed for athletes and clients to complete remotely. It includes a 15- to 30-minute consultation with a Sanford Sports professional physical trainer strength and conditioning coach to review your personal training exercise history, past injuries, and athletic goals. 

Based on your consultation, we’ll personalize a strength and conditioning program specific to your needs. Your program will be a three-day-per-week commitment and accessible through the TeamBuildr app. You can find and track your workouts in the app 24/7. 

On your training days, you’ll log on to the app or a computer to access your workouts. If you’re unfamiliar with the physical exercises for the day, the app includes videos with clear instructions on how to properly execute the workout. If you have any questions about the app or exercise selection, email your Sanford Sports physical trainer. strength and conditioning coach.

Learn more about TeamBuildr.


Please contact Jesse for further questions and/or to enroll.

Jesse Haines, Manager Strength and Conditioning
(605) 312-7800