With all the different reasons we can develop pain, its not surprising that the medical field has developed a lengthy list of potential treatment options. Pain that is likely to resolve quickly-such as that resulting from a cut-may not require much intervention outside of treating the source. In contrast, pain like that experienced after a bad motor vehicle accident may require complex, prolonged procedural and medication-based complex regimens that address pain by targeting different pathways. Chronic pain is typically managed by combining different techniques and focusing less on medications than on overall lifestyle changes.

When it comes to choosing a treatment plan, providers have many options. These include medications, non-pharmacological activities, procedures, topical agents and mind-body therapies. Together, these are often referred to as the ‘pain toolbox’. No singular therapy works for all patients and not all patients respond to therapies in the same way. This is why its important to have your therapy plan individualized to your unique situation.

Your provider will likely consider the type of injury you’ve had, your past medical history, your current medications and other factors to choose the regimen most likely to work for you.

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